Our Values

our core values

Reliable :

We at RDR have a deep amount of respect for our clients. We guarantee delivery precisely when, where, how and at the speed our clients demand. We take pride in our measure of quality and our adherence to excellence as a common standard.

Dedication :

At RDR, service to our clients is our top priority. Our relationship with our clients is why we exist. Our skilled team of professionals put in their utmost dedication in order to accommodate our clients’ needs and ensure our projects run smoothly.

Rapid :

We at RDR address issues as quickly as possible and provide rapid solutions as efficiently and professionally possible to keep a quality brand and reputation.


To be an innovative leader in global freight management, delivering client-focused freight forwarding & offering reliable, competitive “one-stop, door-to-door” logistics solutions.


We aim to contribute to worldwide economic growth through comprehensive, high-value and total logistics services on a local, regional and global level.